How to Transcend Troubling Times

How to Transcend Troubling Times

How to Transcend Troubling Times

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Coach | The Affinity Principle | Blog | Transcending Troubling Times

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | August 18, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, executive coach, author and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

According to Business Insider, unemployment filings hit 55 million over the past 20 weeks.

Layoffs, furloughs, freezes on hiring and downsizing are all reaching epidemic proportions. Usually, downsizing and consolidations are associated with declining financial performance for the companies going through these transitions, but not necessarily.

According to Kim Cameron, a researcher at the University of Michigan, companies that were downsizing AND characterized by virtuous practices – for example, forgiveness, compassion, integrity, trust, optimism, kindness – tended to avoid the declining performance usually associated with major consolidation.
In a study across 16 industries, all of which had cut staff, Cameron’s research demonstrated that organizations scoring higher in virtuousness were significantly more profitable, and also achieved significantly higher performance in returns to shareholders, productivity, and customer satisfaction*. 
Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Coach | The Affinity Principle | Blog | Transcending Troubling Times | Core Values

In these unprecedented times, fear pervades every segment of the business community.  Every executive and business owner I work with has very real fears for their companies and their people.

When fear surrounds us as it does today, it is easy to let it distort our priorities and influence our better judgement.

As we work through strategies to pivot, re-engineer or sometimes consolidate, it remains critical to keep the moral fiber of the company intact and act with integrity and transparency.

In my book, “The Affinity Principle, I describe how important being present and communicating empathetically is when stress levels are peaking.

Our Tough Time

On the heels of the Global Economic Crisis in 2008, my wife and I purchased a company that turned out to be financially misrepresented (a nice way to say that the books were cooked. Actually, they were burned to a crisp!). With massive losses suddenly appearing on the balance sheet, we had to pivot and consolidate immediately. This involved closing one location, renegotiating with landlords,  consolidating staffing, and shifting our focus from thriving to surviving.

Over the course of 18 months, we turned that company around and we credit that turnaround to maintaining our integrity, transparency, and communicating with all the stakeholders constantly. We had completely open book conversations with our landlords and vendors, we shared everything with our team, we offered up trust, compassion and optimism in liberal doses. 

And in that whole turbulent time, no team member missed a paycheck, no vendor was gipped, and the landlords were ultimately made whole. 

We look back on that time with incredulity and realize that maintaining those values which we went into the business with was actually our greatest achievement. 

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Coach | The Affinity Principle | Blog | Transcending Troubling Times | Core Values | Our Tough Time

So, if you’re facing tough decisions or seemingly insurmountable challenges from this current global crisis, I encourage you to hold true to those values that have made you who you are today. Step back from the fray and look on with compassion, empathy and fortitude. By elevating your communications and maintaining your optimism, you can help guide your organization out of these turbulent times.

*  Virtuousness and Performance: A Productive Partnership, Prof. Kim Cameron – Ross School of Business

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.


Strategies to Follow as You Re-Open or Re-Imagine Your Business in the New COVID-19 Reality

Strategies to Follow as You Re-Open or Re-Imagine Your Business in the New COVID-19 Reality

Strategies to Follow as You Re-Open or Re-Imagine Your Business in the New COVID-19 Reality

Grant Ian Gamble | Author, Speaker, Business Coach | Blog | Pivoting and Adapting Business to the New COVID-19 Reality | Header Image

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | July 15, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, executive coach, author, and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

A monumental shift in the trajectory of the global economy usually happens over time and is forecast to a greater or lesser extent.

The COVID-19 Pandemic almost instantaneously upended businesses across the global community with little warning or opportunity to prepare. 

Adapting and pivoting your business to the new reality of an upturned world can be daunting when there are very few precursors to many of the challenges this pandemic has created.

Here are some basic strategies and checklists to follow as you plan to re-open and/or re-imagine your business. To download this list, click the button below.


Strategies and Checklists to Follow as You Re-Open or Re-Imagine Your Business

Build a Re-Opening Strategy

  • This will be a day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month living document.

  • Map out the customer journey to look at all contact points to understand what changes and modifications are needed.

  • Determine the adjustments needed to reduce risk and maximize the ‘new’ customer experience and lay out a path to that point.

  • Ensure this strategy is a lateral extension of your pre-pandemic plans wherever possible to align your capabilities with the pivot (minimizing additional infrastructure where possible).

Reimagine your business by leveraging longer-term trends created by the pandemic. Some of the trends that indicate they’ll be around a while include:

  • A shift to more local sourcing and shorter supply lines; 
  • A general downshift in retail; 
  • A significant reduction in commuting; 
  • Dramatically increased online spending and utilization; 
  • Social distancing; 
  • Increased demand on technology; 
  • Substantial shift to work from home models; 
  • Increased recreational time; 
  • A shift from large group activities to small group activities;

These are just a few layers of our New World Order:

  • Communicate really well. This is probably the biggest differentiator between those businesses that are thriving and surviving and those that are suffering the worst financially. This includes communicating effectively with all stakeholders from your team and customers through to your investors. An example of this would be the  Common House, a social club group, who swiftly implemented a branded daily newsletter that included everything from coping with the shift to work-from-home challenges and easy recipes through to fun health tips. These communications were empathetic, topical, and on point. They also allowed the Common House team to communicate and promote new virtual social experiences they were implementing to maintain the strong community they had built pre-pandemic.

  • Pivot to different offerings that leverage the trends driven by the pandemic. A great example again is The Common House. They started up take-out options with pre-planned meals for members to pick up curbside. This allowed them to continue to charge dues and keep their kitchen staff and some serving team members on the payroll. Any such pivots obviously need to be sustainable and on-brand. 

  • Default to online whenever possible, whether that’s virtual meetings, events, or training. 

  • Use of QR Codes and platforms for signups, waivers, menus, delivery, and what would normally be ‘paper forms.’

  • Develop pre-order forms and platforms for contactless or curbside pickup options or other in-person activities.

  • Keep people safe in your business using education, signage, and protocols. 
    • Stock up on personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Develop effective signage and systems to enhance compliance.
    • Make it easy for people to change or cancel their plans.
    • Use reservation forms or platforms to avoid disappointment or overcrowding.
    • Consider simple screening tests like contactless infrared thermometers.
    • Enforce occupancy limits. This may involve rotating team schedules. 
    • Practice social distancing and be aware of time and type of contact. 
    • Enhance cleaning protocols to cover all contact surfaces.
    • Consider antimicrobial air filters and systems, e.g. UV.  
    • Update policies ranging from work-from-home to sick leave policies.

  • Minimize your legal and liability risks.

    • Create and/or update liability waivers and consent forms using online platforms or QR Codes Screen all employees and guests before they enter your establishment.
    • Develop internal contact tracing systems, these could be critical in the future and backtracking is tough.

These are just a few examples and ideas that have come up in my discussions with clients and business brainstorming sessions I have participated in. Hopefully, they might stimulate further dialogue in your team discussions. Feel free to reach out with other ideas to share, or to talk through your specific challenges.

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.


The Unique Value of Executive Coaching

The Unique Value of Executive Coaching

The Unique Value of Executive Coaching

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | June 23, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, executive coach, author, and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

In a recent study by Stanford’s Center for Leadership Development and Research, nearly 100% of CEO’s surveyed said they enjoy the process of receiving coaching and leadership advice. Yet only one-third of those same leaders receive any formal coaching.

Of those CEO’s receiving coaching, 78% said it was their own idea to embark on the coaching journey. 21% said the catalyst came from the Board.

When asked what the key areas they were most seeking improvement in were, the cohort suggested the following:

o   Sharing leadership and delegation

o   Conflict management 

o   Team building 

o   Mentoring

Executive Coaching | Grant Ian Gamble | Author, Speaker, Business Coach | Blog | The Unique Value of Executive Coaching

From a Board perspective, talent development, mentoring, and succession planning were critical skills for their leadership to develop. They also saw sharing leadership and delegation skills at paramount for their leadership team.

It is obvious from this study that leaders and organizations worldwide are recognizing the power and value of executive coaching. 

It is also apparent that as executive coaching becomes more commonplace, it is no longer limited to the CEO’s of massive organizations. 

More and more leaders and entrepreneurs are turning to coaching, even in the early stages of a company’s journey. That’s not surprising, given how effective executive coaching can be in leadership development and how critical those high growth times are in a company’s lifecycle. 
Executive Coaching | Grant Ian Gamble | Author, Speaker, Business Coach | Blog | The Unique Value of Executive Coaching

A trusted and confidential relationship with a coach creates a unique opportunity for leaders to reduce the isolation they often feel and to positively transform behaviors, beliefs, habits, and mindset. This ultimately amplifies and enhances the leader’s performance and the company’s viability. 

When done well, executive coaching can be an excellent leadership development investment. 

When you decide to embark on the coaching journey, there is a lot to consider. Finding a great coach that resonates with you is critical. Equally critical is your coachability. No matter how good a coach is, if you don’t check your ego at the door and be open and vulnerable, the quality of the coach is irrelevant.


If you are considering embarking on this journey, here are some of the key benefits you might expect from executive coaching:

1. An Independent Sounding Board

 If your coach is really doing their job, they will be honest and forthright with you. You will be able to talk with them about personal and professional challenges and opportunities and in return receive open and honest feedback and support. This can reduce feelings of isolation and provide much-needed insights that are hard to gather without trusted third parties. The ability of the coach to be a truth-teller is critical and this rests in the fact that they are not relying on you for their income, nor are they a family member. This gives your coach the freedom to drop truth bombs when needed.

2. Self-Awareness

Research has shown that self-awareness in leaders is highly correlated with organizational effectiveness and profitability. Team members prefer to follow leaders who see themselves clearly and are willing to be vulnerable and transparent with the team. When you begin the coaching journey, your coach will want to gather feedback from your peers and team to get a sense of how you are perceived presently. 

Many coaches use behavioral assessment tools to complement the data they receive from their peers and team. Throughout the coaching engagement, your coach will share those perceptions of you based on observations, interactions with others, and any other tools they employ. This compilation of data points helps your coach provide effective feedback and coaching to help you build a clearer awareness of where you’re strong and where growth opportunities exist. 

NOTE: When I am working with senior executives, I rely on a Behavioral Strategy for Accomplishment instrument which provides an in-depth description of your behavioral patterns, and helps you be aware of and understand your behavioral style. I do this in conjunction with Tom Perrin, a Ph.D. in Psychology, who spends a total of three hours, one-on-one with you to help further clarify your key strengths and opportunities for growth. 

3. Leverage Your UVP’s

Everyone has Unique Value Propositions and as a leader, it is critical to recognize and leverage these strengths within your organization. A perceptive and supportive coach can help you see the uniqueness and value of these capabilities and to help you lean into them to enhance your impact on your team and your company. 

4. Help Define and Refine Your Goals

We all have goals and dreams, but often over time clarity fades and focus gets distorted around what is inherently important to you. An executive coach helps you bring focus to your goals and offers support in their achievement. As a consistent resource to you, your coach can bring those goals back into focus when needed and can also help you re-define and refine them as necessary. Your coach can also help equip you to develop focus around the goals and priorities within your company.

5. Processes

A skilled coach will have processes for helping define key issues and challenges. These tools and questions help you focus and prioritize the core challenges and opportunities that you face at any point in time. Sometimes, simply prioritizing what you tackle next and keeping a focus on that task is enough to positively impact your trajectory. The coach should also have tools to help you in processing these key focus areas.  

6. Skills and Knowledge

A talented coach will provide insights and knowledge that augments or complements that which you bring to the table. They will also help you develop or enhance skills that are necessary for you to succeed in your environment. The goal of the coach is to ultimately amplify your leadership and management skills and potential, and operational wherewithal.

7. Adapt Responses and Priorities

As your company grows and morphs, it will go through fundamental changes that require you to grow and adapt your responses and priorities. Your coach provides insights and counsel to help you navigate these many phases of change and growth.  As you move from working hard “in your business” to working hard “on your business,” your executive coach will help and support you in these transitions. At times, this may mean bringing in complementary team members to expand your ultimate potential. The consummate executive coach can be a powerful resource to help define and divine healthy transitions and additions to your team.

8. Clarity of Team

As your company grows and your team expands, your ability to keep team members in perspective can get distorted by familiarity, distance, and/or time. It is critical for you, as the leader, to keep perspective on the capabilities and deficits existing in your key team members. As you make critical executive decisions around promotions, changing roles and responsibilities, disciplinary actions, and even dismissals, a perceptive coach can offer insights and reflections on those important aspects of your team as an independent resource and an outside perspective. Often, talking through thoughts and concerns around team members with an independent and confidential resource can help give you clarity.

9. Embrace Diversity

We tend to attract and hire people like ourselves. While that feels good at the time, the need to attract complementary and diverse team members is critical. A talented coach can help you see any of these monochromatic threads, if they exist, and help you expand your ability to attract and retain a diverse pool of talent. 

Diversity in your team does not only relate to demographics, it also relates to work style and behavioral tendencies such as assertiveness, sociability, consistency, detail orientation, and self-confidence. An experienced and intuitive coach can help you build a diverse, yet homogeneous team that is well rounded, collaborative, and effective.

10. Self-Care

Bookending self-awareness is self-care! Often, we’re busy taking care of everyone else but ourselves. The coach can help you review your habits and behaviors around self-care and attune you to ways to build positive momentum in your quest for good health and life balance.

11. Confidentiality

Confidentiality is sacrosanct in the coach/client relationship. Any coaching agreement should detail the confidentiality that is also implicit in the relationship. Being able to speak frankly and in confidence with your coach provides the ability to explore areas that you may not be able to discuss with team members, stakeholders, or your family.

12. Results

The ultimate upside of engaging a talented coach is the results. An effective coach is going to help you gain clarity around personal and professional objectives and opportunities. They can help you leverage and build on your strengths. Your coach can be that resource that helps you move to the next level organizationally and personally. 


When it comes to picking a coach, it is much like hiring any team member. You are looking for someone who exemplifies the values you see as important. Someone who doesn’t just talk the talk, but they also walk the walk. 

I have worked in the consulting and coaching realm for many years and have seen consultants and coaches who represented themselves as subject matter experts, having never truly experienced or delivered the results they were purporting they could get their clients to achieve. 

I’ve seen people enter the coaching and consulting realm because they couldn’t make it in the areas they were positioning themselves to consult in. That is obviously a recipe for disaster if that coach or consultant expounds the philosophies that have caused them to exit that very same sector.

Grant Ian Gamble | Author, Speaker, Business Coach | Blog | The Unique Value of Executive Coaching | Expert

If you want a coach who can help you grow in the areas in which you need help and support, you want a coach that has truly succeeded and mastered those areas themselves. If you know the coach, have seen them over time, and you know them to be subject matter experts in the areas in which you need help, that is ideal. If you don’t know a coach that is accomplished in the areas you need help, then you need to go through an interview and hiring process, as you would with any other role you need to be filled within your organization.

There is one other critical element to this coaching puzzle, and that is you!

You need to have a willingness to not only invest the money, but the determining element of a coaching relationship is the coachability of the leader. So, what does a coachable leader look like? 


Here are a few things you should ascertain about your coachability before committing to an executive coaching relationship:

1. A Willingness to Learn

Just by embarking on the journey of finding an executive coach, you’re expressing a willingness to learn. That willingness needs to be underwritten by a thirst to engage in the exercises and embrace the learnings your coach is bringing to the table. That may involve reading books or articles, completing exercises, seeking other resources, and actively pursuing learning on an ongoing basis.

2.   Personal Accountability

It is critical for the leader to take responsibility and be accountable in the process. As the coach gets a clearer and clearer picture of you and your business, as a trusted third party, they will likely bring some things to the table that could make you feel uncomfortable. Owning those issues or behaviors is tough. As the leader, it is unlikely that many, if any, of your team members will be perfectly frank with you about any issues or behaviors that they feel are negative or destructive to your organization. If your coach brings some things to light you don’t want to hear, you need to be able to process those observations and own them when appropriate. 

3. Making the Time

Allocating and prioritizing time for coaching is critical. Coaching is professional development and needs to be a part of the leader’s allotment of their time. Much of what coaching is doing is helping you work on yourself and on your business. Too often our time as leaders is eaten up working in the business. When we commit and adhere to the commitment of time for coaching, this creates leverage, and many of the things that were repeatedly challenging you as a leader get resolved and disappear from your every day, actually lightening your load. Equally important is making the time to do the homework. At times, your coach will ask you to complete a task or assignment and taking the time to complete these activities on the timeline agreed to is imperative in the coaching journey.

4. Vulnerability, Transparency, and Trust

It’s hard to share some of the most challenging aspects of our work and our personal lives. These admissions are often uncomfortable and confronting. When you’re working with a coach, the very nature of the relationship demands a degree of vulnerability and transparency that allows the coach to guide you through the process toward real and systemic growth and change.

As a result of the confidentiality and intentionality of the coach working through these issues and challenges with you, a relationship of trust will grow. This trust will be underwritten by the authenticity, logic, and empathy of the coach and this is the basis of the Triangle of Trust. 

More and more, leaders are acknowledging the power of coaching in their personal and professional development. If you feel you are ready to embark on a coaching journey or are not getting everything out of the journey you’re already on, use this guide to determine your level of readiness and to help find the executive coach that best fits your needs and sensibilities. 

The investment will be well worth your time!


Regenerative Medicine: The Future of Healing and Recovery

Regenerative medicine is a revolutionary field in healthcare that focuses on repairing, regenerating, and restoring damaged tissues, cells, and organs. Unlike conventional treatments that often mask symptoms, regenerative medicine stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms to promote long-term recovery and wellness. This innovative approach is being used to treat a wide range of conditions, from joint pain and sports injuries to degenerative diseases and age-related disorders.

#1 Secret to Your Wellness Business Success in 2025

In the often over-saturated and highly competitive fitness and wellness market, the success of clubs hinges on their ability to continuously evolve and adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of both Members and Team Members. For example, I’m sure you know that the number one reason people join a health and wellness club today is their mental health. And I’m also sure you know that Team Member turnover rates in the fitness and wellness industry are at an all time high. It’s also no secret that a true sense of community, or belonging, is the best antidote to stress, anxiety and mental health challenges and your frontline Team Members’ engagement and wellbeing are directly tied to the overall sense of community and kinship within your facilities. Wouldn’t you agree, then, that the fitness and wellness industry has a major problem?

2025 Wellness, Fitness, and Health Forecast: Progressive Trends Shaping a New Era of Personalized Well-being

As we usher in 2025, the wellness, fitness, and health industries are at the cusp of a significant transformation. This year, a kaleidoscope of emerging trends promises to redefine our approach to personal and communal well-being. From cutting-edge biotechnologies to the resurgence of holistic practices, these trends not only aim to enhance individual health but also integrate deeply with our daily lives to foster a culture of wellness that is more accessible, personalized, and interconnected than ever before. Join us as we explore how these innovative trends are set to reshape our perspectives on wellness, fitness and health and offer unprecedented opportunities for growth and engagement in the year ahead.

Is Elon Musk Wrong?

Elon Musk famously said, “Empathy is not an asset”.
Musk learned this from the video game Polytopia, which he played with his brother, coworkers, and partners. He made a list of life lessons from the game, which he calls Polytopia Life Lessons.
Musk’s indifference to empathy is not isolated when you look at notoriously ruthless business leaders such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. They have all had difficulties with interpersonal dynamics and yet been incredibly successful by the mainstream’s definition of success.

Embrace Workplace Wellbeing: Navigate Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm and Burnout with AFFINITY OS’s™ NEW Psychosocial Risk (PSR) Management Tool

A state of stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout feels almost endemic these days. I hear it from friends, family members, work mates and peers. The pressures seem to come from all directions—work, media, global events, and personal life demands. Everywhere you turn, there’s more information, more conflict, more polarization, more uncertainty and it feels as if it’s escalating, relentlessly. This growing sense of overwhelm isn’t just affecting individuals; it’s affecting entire organizations, from the mental wellbeing of team members and tenure to overall workplace productivity.

Why Sales May Seem Easier Than Retention in the Fitness Industry

In the fitness industry, sales often grab the spotlight due to their immediate results and clear metrics, like quick sign-ups and instant revenue boosts. However, as industry leaders, it’s crucial to understand why retention might seem less controllable but is equally vital for sustainable success.

Addressing Loneliness and Depression in our Communities

Interestingly in the last 60 plus years, where we have been more closely monitoring loneliness and depression, there has consistently been a large percentage of the population dealing with these mental health challenges.

More recently, social media has been blamed for the epidemic of loneliness and depression and I think it is fair to associate the profound decline in our mental and physical health in part to the digital divide.

Who Wins When BI (Business Intelligence) meets AI

The business world is abuzz with all things AI (Artificial Intelligence). But, what does it mean for jobs? How can it be leveraged? What should we be wary of when implementing AI? How does AI relate to what we do? And more importantly how do we apply AI to what we do?
All these and more questions abound. Having been in the AI space for over three years now, I have grown an appreciation of how powerful AI can be, but I have also come to recognize the importance of integrating BI (Business Intelligence) with AI to leverage insights AI can bring to light.

Dashboards are Dead. AI-Driven Business Intelligence is the Future.

When I read “Dashboards are Dead”, a recent ThoughtSpot headline, it made me cringe.

Our product, AFFINITY OS™, uses dashboards to visualize the data our AI engine collects from customers/members and team members of our clients’ businesses. Did this mean we needed to rethink the UX, and/or the BI (Business Intelligence) that brings our data into focus?

As ThoughtSpot said in their opening paragraph, “For more than 20 years, dashboards served as a foundational element of business intelligence, helping leaders visualize and share valuable data across their organization.”

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.

4 Tips to Proactively Address the Stress of COVID-19

4 Tips to Proactively Address the Stress of COVID-19

4 Tips to Proactively Address the Stress of COVID-19

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | June 3, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, author and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

A good friend of mine expressed how overwhelmed she felt amid all the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many of us, I feel her pain.

Stress levels across the globe are rising to epidemic proportions and long after COVID-19’s debris is trailing in our wake, there’ll be residual side effects of COVID-19 from stress itself.

Well after the dust from 9/11 had settled in the Financial District of NYC, stress continued to take its toll on people affected by this event, directly and indirectly. Health officials have struggled to quantify the exact impact of stress and PTSD post 9/11, but it is a given that it’s in the hundreds of thousands of people.

When we look at the all-pervasive nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that the global residual effect from stress and PTSD will be in the millions, if not the hundreds of millions. Everyone from health care workers through to the now unemployed are under unprecedented stress.

Until we find our ‘new norm,’ the impact of stress from the pandemic will continue to climb and manifest in various forms, ranging from anxiety to PTSD.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | The Affinity Formula | 4 Tips to Proactively Address the Stress of COVID-19 | Business People

We do have a choice though.

How you choose to view the potential impact of stress on your health has a synergistic relationship with the actual impact you may see from stress-related illness.

In other words, your perception of how stress will affect your health is a more reliable predictor of the actual manifestation of health-related issues from stress.

This assertion was documented in a study by the National Center for Health Statistics of almost 29,000 respondents. The survey examined levels of stress and respondents’ perception of how that stress impacted their health.

In this study, those respondents that reported a lot of stress, AND perceived that stress had a major impact on their health had a 43% increased risk of premature death. Whereas, those respondents that reported a lot of stress, BUT perceived that stress did not have a major impact on their health had similar premature death rates to those reporting low stress levels.

Based on this study, having a positive belief in your ability to control your health outcomes and taking proactive steps to reduce the impact of stress, is far more likely to lead to better health outcomes.

So, what are some of the things you can do to re-frame and reduce the stress you’re feeling around this ground shaking, mind altering, upside down universe we live in at present?


4 Tips to Proactively Address the Stress of COVID-19


I spoke in a previous blog about getting outside, in the fresh air. That’s a great start! Get out in the woods, out on the beach, up in the mountains, down and dirty in the garden, or in your local green space. Take your shoes off and do a Richard Gere (see “Pretty Woman” – park scene). It will do you and your immune system a world of good!


I have also spoken about breathing and as critical as that is for obvious reasons, mindful breathing has been clinically proven to be able to reduce stress wherever you are. Whether it’s the Wim Hof Method, or the Navy SEAL’s Box breathing technique, breath work can have a significant and immediate impact on the Autonomic Nervous System which controls your response to stress.


Maybe take some quiet time to contemplate nothing, AKA meditation. The science around the positive impact of this ancient tradition on stress abounds. If that’s not your bag, why not take some quiet time to contemplate good things. Positive things in your life, things to be grateful for, things to look forward to. Either way, when you step back from the pressures of this abnormal state we find ourselves in, we may pull back far enough to look down on all the fuss and realize that it too shall pass.


Based on this study, probably the most important thing we can do is to be positive about how this will ultimately impact our health. And this positive mental attitude can be underwritten by positive actions that we take, like eating well, exercising and taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones.

For most of us, the silver lining in all of this stress-induced tension is that we’re around close friends and family more than many of us have experienced in a long time.

Get out those rose-colored glasses and see these opportunities to spend time together for what they are: opportunities. 

And while you’re at it, marvel at how your body defends itself; how it heals and rejuvenates itself; how resilient your body can be in the face of all this turmoil and upheaval.

The very knowledge that we can actually dictate the course that stress will take in our lives gives us the ability to step back, take a calming breath and realize that we are ultimately in control of our destiny, and always have been.

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.


5 Steps to Re-Imagine Your Business Post COVID-19

5 Steps to Re-Imagine Your Business Post COVID-19

5 Steps to Re-Imagine Your Business Post COVID-19

(Custom Organizational Visioning Implementation Design)

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | June 1, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, author and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

Every one of our clients has one thing in common: they’re all in un-chartered waters.

As we work through the many intricacies and conundrums created by the COVID-19 crisis, we are beginning to see a glimmer of light at the end of this very dark tunnel.

Our strategy sessions are shifting from crisis management to re-imagining what the future may look like for businesses as restrictions ease, but many unknowns remain.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | The Affinity Formula | 5 Steps to Re-Imagine Your Business Post COVID-19

When we work with a company to plan their next steps, we find that we’re not just helping with strategy, planning and decision making.

We’re now helping with aspects of team re-engagement and self-care, challenges of customer re-acquisition, and the critical elements of how to lead and manage the inevitable re-engineering of their very business.

During this re-engineering phase, we fall back on a five-step process we usually use to onboard clients. This simple process helps us apply our expertise to clients’ unique circumstances in these uncertain times.


5 Steps to Re-Imagine Your Business Post COVID-19


It’s amazing what we unearth at times. Very often during the discovery phase, issues or challenges that the leaders have, or have not been aware of come up. We appraise the leadership of fundamental issues and opportunities that exist within the company. In this time of ultimate upheaval, this is a great time to re-imagine your business leveraging some of these opportunities or releasing itself from some of these legacies and holdovers.


The fluid nature of this current set of circumstances works well with our approach to strategy. We help our clients look out to the horizon while we place singular focus on the near to mid-term needs. In an evolving situation such as we face at present, making plans for 12 months from now is fraught with peril. We work on a rolling three-month plan, which allows for constant course corrections.

Step 3: PLAN

We feel it’s important to separate planning from strategy. Strategy drives the plan, but this is where we take the strategy and put the detail to it. We work with our clients to allocate resources and responsibilities to get the strategy executed. We consider potential issues and put failsafes in place where necessary.


This is where the rubber hits the road. Many times consultants step away at this point, but this is where we step up. There are inevitable gaps and hurdles that come up in the implementation process and our goal is to be a resource to ensure maximum traction for the leaders and their team during this critical phase.


This part of the process allows us to help monitor progress and determine if the plan is gaining traction. We feel this is a critical part of our responsibilities to help ensure that things are on course and that we realign the plan, as needed, in real-time.

In truth, our clients do not need us to define this process for them.

Where we offer unique value is by bringing external perspectives and experience to the process.

Our team works in a wide variety of industries ranging from manufacturing to professional sports, and this broad portfolio helps us inform our clients in ways that help them re-imagine their business beyond the normal constraints of their particular industry.

Whether you engage consultants to assist you in re-imagining your business or not, this simple five-step process is a very practical way to think about how to reboot your business.

Taking the time to envision your business in the coming months and years will pay dividends as the new world order unfolds.

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.