Addressing Loneliness and Depression in our Communities

Addressing Loneliness and Depression in our Communities

Addressing Loneliness and Depression in our Communities

Addressing Loneliness and Depression in our Communities Feature Image

Grant Ian Gamble is a best-selling mindful leadership author and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize mindfulness in their approach in the health and wellness sector.

Interestingly in the last 60 plus years, where we have been more closely monitoring loneliness and depression, there has consistently been a large percentage of the population dealing with these mental health challenges. 

The Digital Divide: A Modern Culprit

More recently, social media has been blamed for the epidemic of loneliness and depression and I think it is fair to associate the profound decline in our mental and physical health in part to the digital divide. There is no question that technological and cultural shifts have exacerbated the level and awareness of loneliness and depression in society today. 

Beyond Technology: Other Influencing Factors

But many other factors also impact our level of connectedness and inability to experience positive emotions, a sense of purpose, and meaningful engagement in life. Dan Buettner’s work with Blue Zones has highlighted the significant impact of community and social connections on these factors and the downstream effect they have on mental health and well-being. 

Blue Zones: The Power of Community

Blue Zones are regions where people live significantly longer, healthier lives. Buettner identified common lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to their longevity, including strong social networks, a sense of belonging, and frequent social interactions. These communities emphasize the importance of family, friendships, and community engagement, demonstrating that robust social connections and supportive environments are crucial for maintaining mental health and overall well-being. 

Fostering Supportive Environments

By fostering these elements, Blue Zones exemplify how social underpinnings can lead to mental and physical health.

Through intentional community design and programming, we can restore and enhance supportive environments with robust social networks and frequent in-person social interactions.

Creating inviting opportunities to connect with others can help draw us away from that digital divide.

Designing Inclusive Spaces

By creating environments where everyone feels comfortable and included, we can help combat social isolation and promote a sense of community. Great public spaces where we get people out of their homes and cars can invite interactions and foster connections among diverse groups of people. One great example is in the fitness industry where I have helped create sanctuaries where people don’t feel intimidated, or out of place, even if they’re not the fittest, trimmest or most coordinated. These environments allow people to explore wellness without judgment. This is created through people; the team sets the tone and the environment provides the canvas.

The Role of Communal Seating

Communal seating areas are one simple yet powerful tool to promote social interactions in public and private environments. They provide comfort, encourage lingering, and create opportunities for social encounters. A well-placed bench can transform a neighborhood by fostering community interactions and signaling that the area is welcoming and safe. 

Wellness Sanctuaries: A Case Study

In creating the wellness sanctuaries I have helped design and operate over the years, seating played a critical part. In lobbies we placed comfortable seating arrangements with newspapers, books and magazines to draw people to those spots. I often saw mums with little ones sitting and chatting with seniors they had just met. We also created seating hubs with board games like chess and checkers (draughts) to encourage people to play together. In our P.R.E.P. (Physician Referred Exercise Areas) areas we had seating intermingled with the exercise areas encouraging participants to take a break and have a chat. Many friendships were struck up around these casual seating arrangements. 

Blurring the Lines: Indoor and Outdoor Integration

Additionally, blurring the lines between the outside and the inside of buildings and homes can encourage social interactions. I am reading a biography of Harry S. Truman at present and it talks about his hometown where people would routinely sit on their porches in the evening and entertain neighbors and chat with people passing by. Integrating “porches” or interactive ground floors in buildings blurs the line between private and public spaces, inviting people to engage with their neighbors and surroundings. Incorporating green spaces, plants and gardens builds on this openness, revitalizing streets, promoting social interactions, and enhancing both commercial and social life in the community.

Urban Design: Revitalizing Community Spaces

I recently worked on a wellness project with a beautiful urban piazza that seamlessly connected the courtyard with the facility, so people could meet, eat and chat in beautiful biophilic surroundings. The resurgence of squares and markets are offering destinations where people can meet, shop, eat, and play. These community spaces can serve as the heart of communities, revitalizing struggling retail and commercial areas. Mindfully designed, these spaces can become central hubs of activity and connection, fostering a sense of belonging and community spirit.


Conclusion: Building Connected Communities

Social isolation, loneliness and depression stems from various factors, but we can address aspects of it by creating social spaces and opportunities that encourage human connection. In Blue Zones, the prevalence of loneliness and depression is significantly lower compared to average communities. By prioritizing human interactions in our built environment, we can build healthier, more intentional and connected communities. From simple interventions like benches to larger projects like vibrant squares and markets, these elements when combined with thoughtful programming show that the future of social connection lies in how we design and use our public and private spaces. By prioritizing human interactions in our built environment, we can build healthier, more connected communities, in turn improving mental health and overall well-being.


Creating Transformative Wellness Through Innovative Design, Sustainable Solutions, and Operational Excellence

Interested in learning more about how to transform your organization’s approach to team member engagement and customer experience? Reach out to our team at AFFINITY OS, specialists in AI-driven customer experience and team member engagement optimization.

Dive into the heart of exceptional leadership and customer-centric success with AOS Academy. Our certification courses, guided by the “PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS” mantra, are designed to support professionals as mindful, effective leaders and service providers. 

By integrating key insights from Grant Ian Gamble’s best-selling mindful leadership book, “The Affinity Principle”, we focus on nurturing people-centric cultures of empathy, effective communication, and customer service excellence.

The AOS Academy is more than just training – it’s a journey towards personal and professional transformation, ensuring every interaction and decision is rooted in understanding and valuing people first.


Affinity Podcast Feature Image

Put PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS and watch your business flourish.

Dive deep into the latest trends in customer experience and team engagement, mindful leadership and management. Discover practical tools and strategies that you can use to build a people-centric culture, the foundation for sustainable long-term business growth and success.

Led by mindful leadership expert, Grant Ian Gamble, a best-selling author and true visionary with over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged, inspired and fulfilled workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize genuine connection in their approach.

The guiding principle behind all of Grant’s work is PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS.

More Articles:

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

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Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

There is, seemingly, a health and fitness club or a boutique offering on every street corner today. And yet online searches for health and fitness clubs have diminished significantly. IBISWorld reports over 6,466 Gyms and Fitness Centres in Australia in 2024, and that does not include many outlier categories. And yet, online searches for these facilities have diminished by almost 10%!

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Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Referrals are the No.1 source of Members in the Fitness and Wellness Industry!

Some facts:
Referrals are the number one source of new members across the fitness and wellness sector.
$ROI is highest on Referrals when compared to all other marketing sources
Three quarters of all referrals come from ‘Promoters’ (high NPS* score) in the fitness and wellness sector.
The avg. referral rate for Promoters = 58% when offered a referral opportunity.
Prospective members are 4x more likely to join a gym if they were referred by a friend​.
In the fitness industry, referred members have historically had a 37% higher retention rate as opposed to non-referred members.**

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Who Wins When BI (Business Intelligence) meets AI

Who Wins When BI (Business Intelligence) meets AI

Who Wins When BI (Business Intelligence) meets AI

AI and BI

Grant Ian Gamble is a best-selling mindful leadership author and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize mindfulness in their approach.

The business world is abuzz with all things AI (Artificial Intelligence). But, what does it mean for jobs? How can it be leveraged? What should we be wary of when implementing AI? How does AI relate to what we do? And more importantly how do we apply AI to what we do? 

All these and more questions abound. Having been in the AI space for over three years now, I have grown an appreciation of how powerful AI can be, but I have also come to recognize the importance of integrating BI (Business Intelligence) with AI to leverage insights AI can bring to light.

Today, BI and AI are becoming ubiquitous in the business world, but they serve different purposes AND most importantly work best when used together. Here’s a breakdown of their functionality:

BI: Making Sense of Data

  • Focus: Analyzes historical data to identify trends, patterns, and performance metrics.
  • Outputs: Provides reports, dashboards, and visualizations to help you understand their past performance and make informed decisions.
  • Strengths: Easy to understand, efficient data organization, good for identifying correlations.

AI: Unveiling Hidden Insights

  • Focus: Uses algorithms to learn from data and make predictions about the future, identify anomalies, and automate tasks.
  • Outputs: Can generate forecasts, recommend actions, and even automate business processes based on data analysis.
  • Strengths: Powerful pattern recognition, ability to handle complex data sets, ability to bring sentiment and ‘texture’ into focus, potential for automation.

The Synergy of BI and AI

While they are distinct, BI and AI complement each other perfectly:

  • BI provides the foundation: Historical data analyzed by BI tools provides the training ground for AI algorithms.
  • AI unlocks deeper insights: AI can analyze vast amounts of data and identify hidden patterns and sentiment that BI might miss.
  • AI automates tasks: AI can take over repetitive tasks like data analysis and reporting, freeing up human resources for more strategic thinking.

Here are some examples of how BI and AI work together:

  • Sales Forecasting: BI data on past sales trends can be combined with AI to predict future sales figures and optimize resource management and marketing focus.
  • Customer Churn Prediction: AI can analyze customer behavior data to identify customers at risk of churning and suggest strategies to retain them.
  • Referral Generation: AI can analyze customer feedback to detect sentiment and likelihood to refer and automate referral offers to those customers.

AI Meets BI in the Real World

At AFFINITY OS we use AI to do all the heavy lifting in analyzing customer feedback and team engagement in real time. We use BI to bring this feedback into focus. We use a combination of AI and BI to recommend and prioritize actions in a paint by numbers approach that drives retention, referrals and team engagement. The AI engine also illuminates trends that will impact financial performance and these lead indicators allow you to proactively address these opportunities or threats.   

The Future of BI and AI

The integration of BI and AI is an ongoing trend. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect even more powerful tools that combine data analysis, forecasting, and automation to give businesses a significant competitive edge.

If you want to know more about AI and BI in action feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] 

Interested in learning more about how to transform your organization’s approach to team member engagement and customer experience? Reach out to our team at AFFINITY OS, specialists in AI-driven customer experience and team member engagement optimization.

Dive into the heart of exceptional leadership and customer-centric success with AOS Academy. Our certification courses, guided by the “PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS” mantra, are designed to support professionals as mindful, effective leaders and service providers. 

By integrating key insights from Grant Ian Gamble’s best-selling mindful leadership book, “The Affinity Principle”, we focus on nurturing people-centric cultures of empathy, effective communication, and customer service excellence.

The AOS Academy is more than just training – it’s a journey towards personal and professional transformation, ensuring every interaction and decision is rooted in understanding and valuing people first.


Affinity Podcast Feature Image

Put PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS and watch your business flourish.

Dive deep into the latest trends in customer experience and team engagement, mindful leadership and management. Discover practical tools and strategies that you can use to build a people-centric culture, the foundation for sustainable long-term business growth and success.

Led by mindful leadership expert, Grant Ian Gamble, a best-selling author and true visionary with over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged, inspired and fulfilled workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize genuine connection in their approach.

The guiding principle behind all of Grant’s work is PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS.

More Articles:

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

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Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

There is, seemingly, a health and fitness club or a boutique offering on every street corner today. And yet online searches for health and fitness clubs have diminished significantly. IBISWorld reports over 6,466 Gyms and Fitness Centres in Australia in 2024, and that does not include many outlier categories. And yet, online searches for these facilities have diminished by almost 10%!

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Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Referrals are the No.1 source of Members in the Fitness and Wellness Industry!

Some facts:
Referrals are the number one source of new members across the fitness and wellness sector.
$ROI is highest on Referrals when compared to all other marketing sources
Three quarters of all referrals come from ‘Promoters’ (high NPS* score) in the fitness and wellness sector.
The avg. referral rate for Promoters = 58% when offered a referral opportunity.
Prospective members are 4x more likely to join a gym if they were referred by a friend​.
In the fitness industry, referred members have historically had a 37% higher retention rate as opposed to non-referred members.**

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Dashboards are Dead. AI-Driven Business Intelligence is the Future.

Dashboards are Dead. AI-Driven Business Intelligence is the Future.

Dashboards are Dead. AI-Driven Business Intelligence is the Future.

AI-driven Business Intelligence

Grant Ian Gamble is a best-selling mindful leadership author and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize mindfulness in their approach.

When I read “Dashboards are Dead”, a recent ThoughtSpot headline, it made me cringe.

Our product, AFFINITY OS™, uses dashboards to visualize the data our AI engine collects from customers/members and team members of our clients’ businesses. Did this mean we needed to rethink the UX, and/or the BI (Business Intelligence) that brings our data into focus?

As ThoughtSpot said in their opening paragraph, “For more than 20 years, dashboards served as a foundational element of business intelligence, helping leaders visualize and share valuable data across their organization.”

ThoughtSpot then went on to say, “At inception, dashboards were the perfect vehicle for delivering  key report KPIs without data workers needing a background in coding or IT. But much has changed over the last two decades, including the appetite and needs of business users.”

They go on to cite that 67% of executives aren’t comfortable accessing or using data from their existing dashboard resources.

They point out that it takes on average 4.5 days for a dashboard report to be populated.

And that 50% of data budgets is wasted by remedial data tasks versus analysis.

And then I breathed a sigh of relief.

In Chapter 6 of the article, they point out that the future of data analytics is AI-driven. BI and dashboards aren’t dead, they’re using AI to transform their data into actionable business insights. 

And that is exactly how AFFINITY OS works. We use AI to do all the heavy lifting, analyzing customer feedback and team engagement in real time. We use BI to bring this feedback into focus. We use a combination of AI and BI to recommend and prioritize actions in a paint by numbers approach that drives customer experience, retention, referrals, team engagement and growth. Our AI engine also illuminates trends that will impact financial performance and these lead indicators allow you to proactively address these opportunities or threats.   

The Future of BI and AI

The integration of BI and AI is an ongoing trend. As AI technology continues to develop, we continue to create even more powerful tools that combine live data analysis, forecasting, and automation to give your business a significant competitive edge.

If you want to know more about AI and BI in action, feel free to reach out to me for a demonstration of AI-driven insights use-case roadmap discovery session.

Interested in learning more about how to transform your organization’s approach to team member engagement and customer experience? Reach out to our team at AFFINITY OS, specialists in AI-driven customer experience and team member engagement optimization.

Dive into the heart of exceptional leadership and customer-centric success with AOS Academy. Our certification courses, guided by the “PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS” mantra, are designed to support professionals as mindful, effective leaders and service providers. 

By integrating key insights from Grant Ian Gamble’s best-selling mindful leadership book, “The Affinity Principle”, we focus on nurturing people-centric cultures of empathy, effective communication, and customer service excellence.

The AOS Academy is more than just training – it’s a journey towards personal and professional transformation, ensuring every interaction and decision is rooted in understanding and valuing people first.


Affinity Podcast Feature Image

Put PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS and watch your business flourish.

Dive deep into the latest trends in customer experience and team engagement, mindful leadership and management. Discover practical tools and strategies that you can use to build a people-centric culture, the foundation for sustainable long-term business growth and success.

Led by mindful leadership expert, Grant Ian Gamble, a best-selling author and true visionary with over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged, inspired and fulfilled workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize genuine connection in their approach.

The guiding principle behind all of Grant’s work is PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS.

More Articles:

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

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Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

There is, seemingly, a health and fitness club or a boutique offering on every street corner today. And yet online searches for health and fitness clubs have diminished significantly. IBISWorld reports over 6,466 Gyms and Fitness Centres in Australia in 2024, and that does not include many outlier categories. And yet, online searches for these facilities have diminished by almost 10%!

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Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Referrals are the No.1 source of Members in the Fitness and Wellness Industry!

Some facts:
Referrals are the number one source of new members across the fitness and wellness sector.
$ROI is highest on Referrals when compared to all other marketing sources
Three quarters of all referrals come from ‘Promoters’ (high NPS* score) in the fitness and wellness sector.
The avg. referral rate for Promoters = 58% when offered a referral opportunity.
Prospective members are 4x more likely to join a gym if they were referred by a friend​.
In the fitness industry, referred members have historically had a 37% higher retention rate as opposed to non-referred members.**

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How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

fitness business

Grant Ian Gamble is a best-selling mindful leadership author and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize mindfulness in their approach.

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

The effectiveness of their simulation technology stemmed from its ability to replicate real-world sailing dynamics accurately by  linking various sailing components digitally. This simulation environment not only hosted virtual pre-race trials but also provided race-day analytics, offering consistent and rapid data analysis. This capability allowed for quick adjustments; foil configurations that previously took days to adjust could now be completed in hours.

Moreover, the success of Team New Zealand highlighted the cumulative impact of multiple data points driving small innovations, as noted by one of the designers. Their AI systems efficiently explored numerous potential configurations, pinpointing the optimal design parameters for peak performance. This approach underscores the team’s strategic use of digital advancements to drive significant improvements in yacht racing.

It’s the same approach that helps AFFINITY OS™ navigate the tens of thousands of daily data points, from Team Members and Members, to speed up the learning curve of fitness businesses.

We live in a fast paced, ever changing, trending and diverging business ecosystem that is impossible to navigate using conventional tools. We used to track Team Member and Member feedback through annual surveys. This was labor intensive and even though it delivered important information, this intel was often rendered redundant because it was dated by the time we processed the surveys.

We then went to automation to process surveys more quickly, but an annual survey is still about as useful as flip flops in a snowstorm.

We realized we needed to be taking pulse checks on our team and members in real time, but how do you manage that much data? 

Enter AI. Much like Team New Zealand we were able to use AI to process huge amounts of data and distill that data into actionable intelligence, all in real-time, all the time.

It wasn’t just a matter of measuring, it was critical to capture sentiment and prioritize the feedback we were receiving. We needed to remove the chatter and get down to the things that would move the needle on Team Engagement and the Member Experience.

AFFINITY OS was conceived and built around this fast paced world we live in. It was designed to cut through the clutter and produce real time opportunities to fine tune your business. It was engineered to do all the heavy lifting and chart out obvious opportunities to sail past your competition.

Like Team New Zealand, we understand that it is the little things that ultimately make the most difference and help you navigate the complex forces at play in your business today. As much as it might sound contradictory, it is only by leveraging technology that you can hope to get the people piece in focus.

And isn’t it ultimately the people who work in the business that serve the people who pay the bills that matter? 

Interested in learning more about how to transform your organization’s approach to team member engagement and customer experience? Reach out to our team at AFFINITY OS, specialists in AI-driven customer experience and team member engagement optimization.

Dive into the heart of exceptional leadership and customer-centric success with AOS Academy. Our certification courses, guided by the “PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS” mantra, are designed to support professionals as mindful, effective leaders and service providers. 

By integrating key insights from Grant Ian Gamble’s best-selling mindful leadership book, “The Affinity Principle”, we focus on nurturing people-centric cultures of empathy, effective communication, and customer service excellence.

The AOS Academy is more than just training – it’s a journey towards personal and professional transformation, ensuring every interaction and decision is rooted in understanding and valuing people first.


Affinity Podcast Feature Image

Put PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS and watch your business flourish.

Dive deep into the latest trends in customer experience and team engagement, mindful leadership and management. Discover practical tools and strategies that you can use to build a people-centric culture, the foundation for sustainable long-term business growth and success.

Led by mindful leadership expert, Grant Ian Gamble, a best-selling author and true visionary with over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged, inspired and fulfilled workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize genuine connection in their approach.

The guiding principle behind all of Grant’s work is PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS.

More Articles:

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

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Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

There is, seemingly, a health and fitness club or a boutique offering on every street corner today. And yet online searches for health and fitness clubs have diminished significantly. IBISWorld reports over 6,466 Gyms and Fitness Centres in Australia in 2024, and that does not include many outlier categories. And yet, online searches for these facilities have diminished by almost 10%!

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Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Referrals are the No.1 source of Members in the Fitness and Wellness Industry!

Some facts:
Referrals are the number one source of new members across the fitness and wellness sector.
$ROI is highest on Referrals when compared to all other marketing sources
Three quarters of all referrals come from ‘Promoters’ (high NPS* score) in the fitness and wellness sector.
The avg. referral rate for Promoters = 58% when offered a referral opportunity.
Prospective members are 4x more likely to join a gym if they were referred by a friend​.
In the fitness industry, referred members have historically had a 37% higher retention rate as opposed to non-referred members.**

read more
Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

fitness industry priorities

Grant Ian Gamble is a best-selling mindful leadership author and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize mindfulness in their approach.

There is, seemingly, a health and fitness club or a boutique offering on every street corner today. And yet online searches for health and fitness clubs have diminished significantly.

IBISWorld reports over 6,466 Gyms and Fitness Centres in Australia in 2024, and that does not include many outlier categories. And yet, online searches for these facilities have diminished by almost 10%!

Club offerings vary but when it comes to the basics, most gyms offer similar strength and cardio equipment. So how do they differentiate themselves amid fierce competition for click conversions? There is a lot of overlap even in the Group Ex space.

Some clubs sell on volume of equipment, some market their specific equipment, most project images that suggest potential members will have rippling abs and bulging biceps if they sign up today. With high attrition and escalating competition, it is getting harder and harder for clubs to extract themselves from the bloodied waters of the feeding frenzy when most of the messaging feels and looks very similar. 

In the boutique space, clubs and studios celebrate their uniqueness. But the boutique model suffers even higher attrition and has even bigger challenges at present. The smaller footprint boutique clubs are specialized, and as a result I believe people eventually get bored or don’t resonate with the offering in the longer term and move on. 

Regardless of the model or the breadth or limitation of offerings, the fitness and wellness industry is cycling through another boom and facing incredible challenges. In an attempt to address those challenges, industry icons express the need to create differentiation through the Member Experience. But how? And more specifically, how do you scale that differentiation?

I believe it revolves around people . . . around the Team! After all, we are, and always will be, a people business.

We serve people through people. We attract people through people. And people remain the most significant differentiator in terms of the member experience. 

Great people join this industry on a daily basis and equally many depart the industry, very often disillusioned. They’re the same people that walked through the door full of aspirations and hope, but what happened? We’re facing churn similar to hospitality and the telecom industry, and scrapping for the bottom rung of the team retention ladder.

Some suggest that the kids entering the workforce don’t have “the same work ethic as we did”; others suggest that it is a more transient world; and almost across the board club group employers complain that they can’t attract enough team members, let alone “quality team members”.

So if we have a revolving door of team members, how do we consistently deliver great member experiences? Something has to change.

When my partners and I built AFFINITY OS™, we did not build it because the industry needs another software platform. Because that’s sure as heck not true. We built AFFINITY OS because as an industry we need to do a better job of engaging our Team Members and in turn enhancing the Member Experience. These two things are indelibly intertwined. 

I had learned that listening to what your team has to say and distilling the relevant trends into actionable intelligence provides us with a great place to start. Data clearly shows that as Team Engagement improves, the Member Experience follows. It’s not rocket science. 

I am writing this blog because we have a problem in this industry, and yes I think we have a solution. But regardless of whether you use our tools to drive Team Engagement and measure Member Experience, this is where we need to start. Anyone with enough money can build a great facility and populate it with great equipment. It is and will always be the people that will make the heart of that business beat. Your Team Members are your “moat” against the competition! 

Interested in learning more about how to transform your organization’s approach to team member engagement and customer experience? Reach out to our team at AFFINITY OS, specialists in AI-driven customer experience and team member engagement optimization.

Dive into the heart of exceptional leadership and customer-centric success with AOS Academy. Our certification courses, guided by the “PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS” mantra, are designed to support professionals as mindful, effective leaders and service providers. 

By integrating key insights from Grant Ian Gamble’s best-selling mindful leadership book, “The Affinity Principle”, we focus on nurturing people-centric cultures of empathy, effective communication, and customer service excellence.

The AOS Academy is more than just training – it’s a journey towards personal and professional transformation, ensuring every interaction and decision is rooted in understanding and valuing people first.


Affinity Podcast Feature Image

Put PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS and watch your business flourish.

Dive deep into the latest trends in customer experience and team engagement, mindful leadership and management. Discover practical tools and strategies that you can use to build a people-centric culture, the foundation for sustainable long-term business growth and success.

Led by mindful leadership expert, Grant Ian Gamble, a best-selling author and true visionary with over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged, inspired and fulfilled workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize genuine connection in their approach.

The guiding principle behind all of Grant’s work is PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS.

More Articles:

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

How to Win the America’s Cup of Fitness Business

Team New Zealand’s innovative application of digital technology in yacht racing contributed significantly to its back-to-back victories in the America’s Cup races of 2017 and 2021. The team had a thorough understanding of the performance of its 75-foot AC75 monohull even before its launch in 2021, thanks to an AI-powered simulation tool. This tool enabled the team to conduct virtual races across numerous prototypes, honing their skills to navigate at speeds of 50 knots on meticulously refined hydrofoils under challenging conditions.

read more
Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

Fitness Industry Boom Amid a Significant Decline in Online Search for Fitness?

There is, seemingly, a health and fitness club or a boutique offering on every street corner today. And yet online searches for health and fitness clubs have diminished significantly. IBISWorld reports over 6,466 Gyms and Fitness Centres in Australia in 2024, and that does not include many outlier categories. And yet, online searches for these facilities have diminished by almost 10%!

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Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Member Referrals are Like a Box of Chocolates…Or are They?

Referrals are the No.1 source of Members in the Fitness and Wellness Industry!

Some facts:
Referrals are the number one source of new members across the fitness and wellness sector.
$ROI is highest on Referrals when compared to all other marketing sources
Three quarters of all referrals come from ‘Promoters’ (high NPS* score) in the fitness and wellness sector.
The avg. referral rate for Promoters = 58% when offered a referral opportunity.
Prospective members are 4x more likely to join a gym if they were referred by a friend​.
In the fitness industry, referred members have historically had a 37% higher retention rate as opposed to non-referred members.**

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