Virtual Stand-Up: A Simple Communication Tool for You and Your Team During COVID

Virtual Stand-Up: A Simple Communication Tool for You and Your Team During COVID

Virtual Stand-Up: A Simple & Effective Communication Tool for You and Your Team During COVID-19

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | April 17, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, executive coach, author and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting Blog | Virtual Stand-Up: A Simple Communication Tool for Your and Your Team During COVIDMonday through Friday every week, first thing in the morning, I facilitate a Virtual Stand Up with a management team I am consulting with. This helps the department heads stay connected, even though they’re not in the same physical work environment at the moment.

This daily Virtual Stand-Up reduces miscommunication, increases camaraderie, helps keep team members focused, and ultimately provides a community for people who are getting more and more disconnected as this pandemic expands its grip on our world.

Getting your team together for a daily Virtual Stand-Up can be fun, fulfilling and emotionally fortifying.

Daily virtual huddles might seem a bit much, but can be incredibly productive when you have the right guidelines in place.

Verne Harnish has championed a huddle concept he calls the “Daily Stand-Up”. The Stand-Up model covers three basic things:

What did you do yesterday? 

What are you planning to do today? 

Do you have any unique challenges you are currently facing?

The real beauty of this model is that each participant only has 60 seconds to download those three update items. This means that if you have 10 people on your team, the meeting should take no longer than 10 minutes.

From my experience, the most productive element of this format is declaring what we’re up to today. Some team members approach the day with plans in place, but most just wing it. This format asks those team members to be more proactive and less reactive.

Because of the nature of this format, it is very efficient. It needs a facilitator to manage people’s time and keep things on track, but from my experience, after a few meetings team members pick up the protocol really well and find it incredibly valuable. 


» Here are some simple tips to ensure a successful Virtual Stand-Up:


     What did you do yesterday? 

     What are you planning to do today? 

     Do you have any unique challenges you are currently facing?


Ensure the topics team members present are relevant to the group. If they need to inform another team member of something, or have a discussion with them one-on-one, this is not the forum. Instead, encourage them to have the conversation independently.


When team members review what they did yesterday, they need to focus on highlights only. The same applies to their plans for today. NOTE: When reviewing yesterday on a Monday, we refer back to Friday’s events.


When reviewing any unique challenges they are facing, these should be things that are impeding progress or causing them undue angst. This does not include things that apply to everyone like the weather, or this pandemic. An example would be, “My internet is down at home.” This is good for others to know and obviously is a relevant issue given the current lockdowns.


Initially, use a timer. This won’t be necessary for the long term, but people will initially give more detail than needed and when the buzzer goes off it is a good reminder to keep it short.


If a team member goes off on a tangent or a conversation starts up between two people, the facilitator needs to interject and suggest they take the conversation offline after the call. They can even stay on the call after everyone else drops off, or schedule a separate call or meeting.


Always start the meeting on time. Team members will learn that this is a short, sharp and functional opportunity to stay connected and dialing in on time is expected.


Use a reliable conferencing tool. I usually use Google Hangouts and put the meeting on repeat so that people have it on their calendar and can dial in easily. There are lots of free conferencing tools out there, so take your pick. 


Encourage team members to mute their devices when they’re not talking in order to reduce background noise.


As often as possible, I suggest doing a video call instead of a phone call. Some teams do a video call every time. This leaves less room for distractions and miscommunication as it’s much easier for people to read each other’s emotions when they can see each other.

If you limit each team member to 60 seconds and stick to this routine, you’ll quickly experience the benefits. These meetings can be critical in keeping your team on track and maintaining your work community. 

I have used this format in many scenarios, but never quite as beneficially as today.

We need each other more than ever, and having simple and productive rituals like Virtual Stand Ups will help your team stay aligned, productive and connected.

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.

13 Tips to Help Your Business Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic

13 Tips to Help Your Business Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic

13 Tips to Help Your Business Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | March 30, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, executive coach, author and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | 13 Tips to Help Your Business Survive the Coronavirus PandemicBusiness is in turmoil across the globe as we attempt to navigate this new world order.

As I work with my clients on the many intricacies of their individual predicaments, a few common themes are emerging. The biggest challenge amid the uncertainty is how long this might go on and what the aftermath might look like. 

What we do know is that we can’t change the volatile marketplace or the nature of the pandemic itself. However, focusing your time and energy on the things you do have the ability to influence allows you to exert control over some aspects of the situation.

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the uncertainty that surrounds us at present. Yet there are always opportunities in the uncertainty, when we work with our teams and customers to rise above these stressful times.

Here are 13 tips to consider as you continue to contemplate your way forward:


Take care of yourself, your family, and loved ones. This should always be Job #1! 


Ensure that the information you are basing your decision making on comes from trusted sources. Ideally, your information should come from known sources such as your accountant or business consultant, as well as your local, state or federal government agencies and health organizations. Beware of social media “news” that is unsubstantiated and not being reported by the mainstream media. Check sources where possible and get multiple data points, rather than relying on one source.


Be aware and responsive to restrictions that impact you, your business, and your team. Review your operational risks and update any risk assessments where appropriate. Reduce or negate personal and professional travel.


Communicate regularly with your stakeholders, team, customers, community, vendors and suppliers. I’d recommend over-communicating at this juncture. This will help maintain trust and connectedness with your constituencies. Use video conferencing where possible, it’s that much more personal than an email or phone call!

If you have to either let team members go or have to furlow them, communicate your long-term intentions and stay in touch regularly. If and when your business starts up again, there is a better chance your people will be available if you have remained in contact.


If your team is operating remotely, implement a remote work policy (if you do not already have one). This helps mitigate confusion and clarify expectations of communication rhythms. It can also spell out when team members need to be available, and deliverables should be clearly defined. 


Your team members may need additional flexibility with kids being out of school and other unexpected demands. Have empathy for their predicaments and afford them concessions where you can.


Take advantage of the downtime to get preventative maintenance done. If there are projects that you have put off because of potential interruptions to trade, use this hiatus to get the work completed. Get some of those jobs that have been hanging over your head done, both at work and at home.


If you are a service-centric business, ask yourself if you could bring some of your products online? Is there any way to keep some cash flowing by providing virtual versions of what you would normally offer?


Determine what assistance you can get from government and industry initiatives. Consult with your accountant or business consultant to determine if you’re maximizing available resources.


Review your leases, subscriptions, vendor and supplier arrangements to ensure you are minimizing costs where possible. Determine if there are any negotiables that would help you reduce your burn rate, or improve your cash flow.


Supply chains are being severely impacted, stressed and even broken in some cases. If you rely on supply chains, find out what assurances and redundancies you can put in place to mitigate any disruptions. Alternate suppliers may be looking for business and you may obtain some benefits from exploring options at this critical time. 


Take this time to do some online learning and promote opportunities for your team to improve their skills while there’s downtime. There are a plethora of webinars and online learning platforms that cover the gamut. You can even get virtual training specifically for your team and needs.


Start running scenarios for recovery. Try and add as much flexibility as possible into the timing of these efforts. Start fleshing out your strategy to get back to business as usual as seamlessly as possible. Work from worst case scenario through to best case scenario and adjust the plan as more certainty unfolds and you get more information.

The best way to prepare is to consider all options and create contingency plans that allow you the flexibility to minimize impact on your business and your team. This will take constant tweaks and occasional pivots, but the more prepared you are, the better chance you have of navigating through these uncharted waters.

Many of my clients have had to make significant adjustments to the way they do business in the face of this potentially catastrophic event, but they are intent on being as prepared as possible and leveraging the opportunities that abound in these scenarios.  

Whatever your situation may be, we hope that you, your family, and loved ones remain safe and well. If we support each other and align our efforts, this crisis will pass and many good things will unfold as we work together as families, businesses and communities.

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Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.

People First, Always.™

People First, Always.™

People First, Always.™

Grant Ian GambleBy Grant Ian Gamble | July 19, 2020

Grant Ian Gamble is a business growth consultant, author and keynote speaker. He works in a broad array of industries helping companies build teams, navigate change and drive growth.

The US Air Force has a mantra:

Mission First, People Always.

Having been in the Royal Australian Navy, I understand the paradoxical nature of this statement. The armed forces of any nation are constantly preparing young men and women to be sent into grave danger to achieve a mission.

There’s an inherent conflict in achieving a dangerous mission and taking care of your people at the same time.

I believe this mantra reflects the inescapable tension that emerges for leaders in business as they chart a course for their company.

The mission of the company is ultimately profitability, and yet at times decisions seem to place people and profit at odds. 

Profit and people are of course indelibly connected, but in building and growing companies over many years, I have learned that there’s a far greater chance of achieving your long term financial goals when you put your people first.

And so a long time ago, the mantra for me has become:

People First, Always.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Blog | People First Always Boats Image

In the fluid job market we work in today, it’s an inescapable truth that finding talent is tough and keeping talent can be even tougher.

What I’ve learned is that when your people know you’re putting them first, the loyalty and performance from each individual on your team increases exponentially. 

People that feel respected and acknowledged are typically happier, and studies show that people who are happier at work were 12% more productive than those that were unhappy.

Companies like Google have seen employee satisfaction rise by 37% when they’ve invested in employee support to raise satisfaction levels¹.

Putting your people first doesn’t simply mean giving them perks or addressing their immediate concerns.

Putting people first means taking a real interest in your team members, in who they are, what their individual wants and needs are, and not just what they are capable of achieving.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Blog | People First Always | Get to know your people image

Talented, hard-working professionals are attracted to companies where they feel the leadership has built a culture of trust and mutual respect.

Where they know that the leaders of that organization truly care about them as an individual. Where the leaders are creating an environment where they can explore their potential and where excellent failures are rewarded.

I believe one of the critical elements of putting people first is job crafting.

Job crafting is the art and science around knowing a person’s strengths and their potential to contribute in their own unique way. This involves crafting their position description around their competencies and ensuring alignment of their skills and interests. This philosophy obviously starts with finding the person who is most suited to the position, but it also demands a degree of creativity and nuance to ensure the needs of the company and the team member are met.

When a person’s gifts, skills, and interests are aligned with their role, they come to see their work as more than a job; it becomes their calling. They move into a state of flow.

This is a state where the individual’s skills and strengths are optimized and they are fully immersed in the activity, feeling energized and focused.

Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Blog | People First Always | Flow state image

If through your leadership, team members are more engaged, happier, and ideally in a state of flow, it is inevitable that tenure will increase.

I describe this as a state of Affinity and if your company has Affinity, your business will be more competitive, and its potential for growth will be magnified.

Engaged and motivated team members work well together and they rarely leave the organization that has helped guide them into that optimal state of performance. When their goals are tied to your company’s goals, this alignment of focus is transformational.

In the highly contested talent acquisition space, putting people first will help you attract and retain strong team members and ensure optimal long term outcomes for you and your company. 

If you want to explore these concepts in further detail, check out my new book, “The Affinity Principle.”

1 Research from the University of Warwick, Professor Oswald

The Affinity Principle | Business Mindful Leadership | Grant Ian Gamble

The Affinity Principle™ presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach. The Affinity Formula is simple: mindful leadership creates an incredible team performance, which leads to an awesome customer experience and that yields great financial results. 

The book explores 12 Pillars and Levers of Leadership and Engagement designed to help leaders attract, retain, and optimize talent, and achieve Affinity.

Start your mindful leadership journey by amplifying your leadership potential with our free Leadership Appraisal tool.


The Affinity Principle | Business Mindful Leadership | Grant Ian Gamble

The Affinity Principle™ presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach. The Affinity Formula is simple: mindful leadership creates an incredible team performance, which leads to an awesome customer experience and that yields great financial results. 

The book explores 12 Pillars and Levers of Leadership and Engagement designed to help leaders attract, retain, and optimize talent, and achieve Affinity.

Start your mindful leadership journey by amplifying your leadership potential with our free Leadership Appraisal tool.



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