MINDFUL LEADERSHIP AND WELLNESSInspiring conscious leaders to mindfully build successful wellness-oriented companies that serve, synchronize, and integrate the best interests of all stakeholders to bring about positive local, national and global impact.
The Upside of the Downside – 24 Things To Do During COVID Lockdown
On one hand, the COVID pandemic is forcing us to isolate ourselves. On the other, it is bringing families back together and getting people outside.
My wife and I typically get outside whenever and wherever we can. Sometimes it’s for a mountain bike ride or run, sometimes paddle boarding, sometimes just for a walk.
Virtual Stand-Up: A Simple Communication Tool for You and Your Team During COVID
Monday through Friday every week, first thing in the morning, I facilitate a Virtual Stand Up with a management team I am consulting with. This helps the department heads stay connected, even though they’re not in the same physical work environment at the moment.
This daily Virtual Stand-Up reduces miscommunication, increases camaraderie, helps keep team members focused, and ultimately provides a community for people who are getting more and more disconnected as this pandemic expands its grip on our world.
13 Tips to Help Your Business Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic
Business is in turmoil across the globe as we attempt to navigate this new world order.
As I work with my clients on the many intricacies of their individual predicaments, a few common themes are emerging. The biggest challenge amid the uncertainty is how long this might go on and what the aftermath might look like.
Desperately Seeking Balance
In this fast moving and disruptive age, life is much more than a balancing act. It is a complex dance with an ever-evolving set of challenges streaming at us at an unprecedented rate. As with all things in the universe, we seek balance. Balance between work and home;...
Three Foundations & the First Step Toward Mindful Leadership
Being a Mindful Leader is not about having a yoga or meditation practice. Truly mindful leaders imbibe intentionality, awareness and an abiding presence. Exhibiting these characteristics, consistently, is incredibly hard amidst the cacophony of competing interests for...
Next Steps Toward Mindful Leadership: 1. Setting the Stage for Meaningful Interactions and Effective Communication
I have broken down the "Next Steps Toward Mindful Leadership" into 3 chapters: 1. Setting the Stage for Meaningful Interactions and Effective Communication 2. A Great Hack for Introducing Meaningful Communication and Teamwork - The Daily Standup 3. The Heart &...
Next Steps to Mindful Leadership: 2. A Great Hack for Introducing Meaningful Communication and Teamwork: The Daily StandUp
I have broken down the "Next Steps Toward Mindful Leadership" into 3 chapters: 1. Setting the Stage for Meaningful Interactions and Effective Communication 2. A Great Hack for Introducing Meaningful Communication and Teamwork - The Daily Standup 3. The Heart &...
The Next Steps to Mindful Leadership: 3. The Heart & Soul of Communication: Visual & Auditory Connection
I have broken down the "Next Steps Toward Mindful Leadership" into 3 chapters: 1. Setting the Stage for Meaningful Interactions and Effective Communication 2. A Great Hack for Introducing Meaningful Communication and Teamwork - The Daily Standup 3. The Heart &...
People First, Always.™
Profit and people are of course indelibly connected, but in building and growing companies over many years, I have learned that there’s a far greater chance of achieving your long term financial goals when you put your people first.
And so a long time ago, the mantra for me has become:
“People First, Always.”
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The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.