MINDFUL LEADERSHIP AND WELLNESSInspiring conscious leaders to mindfully build successful wellness-oriented companies that serve, synchronize, and integrate the best interests of all stakeholders to bring about positive local, national and global impact.
The Mindful Leader: Transforming Fitness and Wellness Businesses from the Inside Out
As a co-founder of AFFINITY OS™ and an advocate for mindfulness in leadership, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the core principles of mindfulness can profoundly transform fitness and wellness businesses. In today’s fast-paced and competitive environment, the success of a fitness and wellness business hinges not just on cutting-edge equipment or trendy classes, but significantly on the quality of leadership and the culture it fosters. This article explores how being a mindful leader can be a game changer in this dynamic industry.
Leverage the 2023 Fitness and Wellness Industry Trends
The world of fitness and wellness is constantly evolving, and 2023 is no exception. With a focus on holistic health and sustainable practices, the current fitness and wellness industry trends are reshaping the industry landscape. In this article, we explore the 2023 fitness and wellness trends in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, the United States, Europe, and more, providing insights for mindful leaders in the fitness and wellness industry.
13 Factors that Combat “Quiet Quitting”
“Quiet Quitting” is a symptom of low Team Member engagement. However, you can combat quiet quitting with Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors, or drivers. As a leader or manager, you can hire for these Intrinsic drivers and influence the Extrinsic drivers through your actions and decisions over time.
Understanding and appreciating these drivers can significantly improve the level of engagement among your Team Members, so here is a quick 13-point summary.
Diversity in Hiring: How Seasoned Talents Advance Customer-Centric Goals
Linda had been a housekeeper at a motel for 25 years when she decided it was time for a change. She didn’t stray too far from her calling, but decided to apply for a job as a housekeeper in the new Fitness and Wellness Center that had opened in her hometown.
I just happened to be the General Manager of that center and immediately realized Linda was an absolute gem. She ticked the boxes on my 4 non-negotiables, 1. (High) Character; 2. (Great) Attitude; 3. (Wonderful) Personality; 4. Emotional (Intelligence). My acronym for this is C.A.P.E. because these Team Members are Superheroes, and Superheroes wear C.A.P.Es 🙂
A World Apart, A Path Forward: The Power of Kindness in a Divided Era
“Random acts of kindness” became a phenomenon in the 1980’s and ‘90’s, but seems to have fizzled in recent decades. I loved the idea of this, and saw occasional examples, but apart from still seeing an occasional bumper sticker I haven’t heard it referenced in ages.
From Lip Service to Real Service: Closing the Customer Care Gap
“Talk is cheap,” goes the saying, and nowhere is this truer than in customer service. We’ve all encountered businesses singing praises of their ‘unbeatable service,’ only to be let down by the harsh reality.
The Paradox of “You’ll Love the Service”
Remember the company with the catchy jingle, “You’ll love the service”? Behind the scenes, their team was disengaged and demoralized, which inevitably showed in their customer service. Customers noticed, too, and took to social media and online reviews to express their disappointment. The result? Plummeting sales and dwindling finances.
Catch Us Doing Something Right: Gratitude on World Gratitude Day
Many years ago, I stole an idea from the San Francisco Bay Health Clubs. They had a suggestion box labeled “Catch Us Doing Something Right”.
This struck me as absolutely brilliant!
Rather than asking members to complain, they were asking them to see team members and others doing good things.
The Benefits of Frontline Team Member Engagement and Retention: “The Affinity Principle” Approach
In today’s competitive business environment, frontline team members—those who interact directly with customers—are the cornerstone of any organization, especially those with a high customer-facing presence. However, the traditional approach to talent management often overlooks this vital group, focusing mainly on managerial and executive roles. “The Affinity Principle” reimagines this strategy, stressing the importance of creating an enriching environment for frontline team members that fosters increased retention and better performance.
Unlock the Power of People: Transform Your Business with the AFFINITY Formula and AFFINITY OS
In a world driven by metrics and the relentless pursuit of growth, there’s a principle often overlooked—the essence of human connection. The AFFINITY formula is not just a theory but a realization of what truly drives success in any organization is the people. It’s about acknowledging that businesses don’t operate in isolation. They are living entities, shaped by the relationships between people.
Rediscovering Free Will: The Power of Autonomy and Self-Determination
In the complex tapestry of human existence, the concept of free will holds a prominent position. Victor Frankl, a renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, and Nir Eyal, a prominent author and behavioral designer, shed light on the significance of free will in our lives. Feeling autonomous and self-determined, that we have the power to exercise free will, is a fundamental psychological need that impacts our mental health. While it is easy to feel swept along by the current of life, believing we lack control over our outcomes, we must recognize our inherent ability to direct and redirect our path. Although we cannot change past decisions, the power to shape our current decisions and determine our direction lies within our grasp.
Cultivating Wise Compassion Leadership: A Necessity in Modern Leadership
I have been pondering on an article I recently came across in the Harvard Business Review, “Compassionate Leadership Is Necessary — but Not Sufficient,” written by Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, and Nick Hobson. I thought it could be of great interest to you as well.
As we navigate through turbulent times, the importance of compassionate leadership is more pronounced than ever. Yet, the authors reveal through their research that compassion on its own is not sufficient for effective leadership. Compassion must be paired with wisdom.
The Art of Mindful Communication: How it Transformed My Leadership Style
Even though it’s been several decades, I’ll never forget the first time I truly recognized and leveraged mindful communication. It was mid-week and the office was humming with people engrossed in their work. I was sitting in my office, going through a seemingly never ending stream of emails.
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The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.