From Lip Service to Real Service: Closing the Customer Care Gap

Customer Care Feature Image

Grant Ian Gamble is a best-selling mindful leadership author and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize mindfulness in their approach.

“Talk is cheap,” goes the saying, and nowhere is this truer than in customer service. We’ve all encountered businesses singing praises of their ‘unbeatable service,’ only to be let down by the harsh reality. 

The Paradox of “You’ll Love the Service”

Remember the company with the catchy jingle, “You’ll love the service”? Behind the scenes, their team was disengaged and demoralized, which inevitably showed in their customer service. Customers noticed, too, and took to social media and online reviews to express their disappointment. The result? Plummeting sales and dwindling finances. 

What Metrics Don’t Lie About

New management arrived and took the first sensible step—they looked at root causes. A dreadful eNPS score (measuring team engagement) led to a horrific NPS score (measuring customer satisfaction). They decided to focus on improving the team experience first. As they nurtured their internal community, the eNPS score began to rise, and miraculously—or perhaps, logically—the NPS followed suit.

When Lip Service Becomes Real Service

Team morale soared, customers finally began to ‘love the service,’ and the financials reflected these improvements. The transformation was nothing short of revolutionary.

The AFFINITY OS Advantage

In a world that is increasingly transparent, where every misstep is scrutinized, what you say and what you do have to align. That’s where AFFINITY OS comes in. Using AI to harness real-time eNPS and NPS data, AFFINITY OS not only quantifies but also prioritizes feedback from both team members and customers. This is not mere data; it’s actionable intelligence.

The AOS Academy

Combined with our AOS Academy, we offer a turn-key solution to manage the gap between your promises and performance. It’s time to stop paying lip service to your values and start embodying them, with “PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS” as your guiding mantra.

Learn more about how AFFINITY OS and the AOS Academy can elevate your leadership style. 

Until then, let’s focus on turning promises into performance, one mindful step at a time. Remember, it’s not about saying “You’ll love the service;” it’s about making sure people actually do.

    Take your customer service skills—and your team—to the next level with the AFFINITY in Customer Service Certification!

    Interested in learning more about how to transform your organization’s approach to team member engagement and customer experience? Reach out to our team at AFFINITY OS, specialists in AI-driven customer and team member engagement optimization.

    AFFINITY Podcast EPISODE 10 | Collecting and Leveraging eNPS for a People-Centric Culture, Mindful Leadership, Talent Development and Talent Retention

    AFFINITY Podcast

    Affinity Podcast Feature Image

    Put PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS and watch your business flourish.

    Dive deep into the latest trends in customer experience and team engagement, mindful leadership and management. Discover practical tools and strategies that you can use to build a people-centric culture, the foundation for sustainable long-term business growth and success.

    Led by mindful leadership expert, Grant Ian Gamble, a best-selling author and true visionary with over 30 years of experience in leading teams to create innovative customer experiences, building engaged, inspired and fulfilled workforces, and developing leaders who prioritize genuine connection in their approach.

    The guiding principle behind all of Grant’s work is PEOPLE FIRST, ALWAYS.

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    Grant Ian Gamble Business Consulting | Author | Speaker | Business Consultant | Coach |The Affinity Principle | Best Seller Logo

    The Affinity Principle™ by Grant Gamble presents a formula for business success through a people-centric, mindful leadership approach.